Our FAQ is split into four main topic areas. Please click on a topic heading to expand that topic.
The Mamigo App covers three typical stages in a relationship: meeting someone for the first time, building a relationship and finally being in a stable relationship. People's wants and needs from a relationship typically change relative to which stage they are currently in. Each of the three questionnaires covers one of these three stages.
The Dynamic Questionnaire Engine, on which the Mamigo App is based, requires similar questions to be asked. This is part of the assessment process.
There are no right or wrong responses. If you are unsure of a question or just don't know, then this is an answer in itself. In this circumstance you should just choose, "I don't know".
The Dynaic Questionnaire Engine requires you to answer all questions linearly, meaning you can't go back to check a previous answer, for example.
Each screen in the Mamigo App has an Information icon (i) on the top bar, which gives you instruction on how to address the screen you are on.
From any screen, you can select the Setting screen (gear symbol on the top bar) and select a different language form the Change Language section. Please note that changing the language takes you back to the very begining of the questionnire again.
The Dynamic Questionnaire Engine requires you to answer all 21 questions linearly and at the same time. As such, if you are interupted during the questioning processing, you will always have to start over.
Some languages have words which are specific to the sex of the person being referenced. In order to tailor the questionnaire to your specific relationship therefore requires kowledge of the sex of your partner.
This information is not stored anywhere and is only to used to enhance your experience in completing the questionnaire.
Your partner's name is only used to personalise the questionnaire to your situation and is not stored anywhere. However the name is used in the file name of the resuts and comparisons should you choose to save them. This is only to simplify the identification of the saved results for you personally.
To display results or to make a comparison, you need an internet connection. In the case of displaying results, if you do not have an internet connection, you can simply save your inputs to then reload them from the start screen, once you have an internet connection again.
As we strive to make your experience as best as possible, your inputs are gratefully received. Please contact us using the contact button on this web-site stating which language needs improving and we will contact you back.
The Dynaic Questionnaire Engine requires you to answer all 21 questions linearly and at the same time. As such, if you interupt the questioning processing, you will always have to start over.
Going into Settings (the gear symbol on the top bar) and pressing Continue on the Choose Language screen starts over without changing the language.
To display results you need an internet connection. If you do not have an internet connection, you can simply save your inputs to then reload them from the start screen, once you have an internet connection again.
Sure! We understand that sometimes the information delivered by the Mamigo-App can be overwhelming, so please fell free to contact us using the contact formular on this web-site to help you understand your results and we will get back to you.
Due to the cost involved in creating and maintaining the Mamigo App there is a small price to pay and display the results. However, you also have the possibility to earn Mamigo Tokens by watching ads and then use these tokens to display the results free-of-charge.
As your relationship naturally develops with time, your wants and needs from that relationship change. By saving your results, you can compare how you feel after, say, 6 months to see how your feelings towards your relationship has developed.
To display results or to make a comparison, you need an internet connection. In the case of displaying results, if you do not have an internet connection, you can simply save your inputs to then reload them from the start screen, once you have an internet connection again.
You have the possibility to get your results for free by earning Mamigo Tokens by watching ads and then using these tokens to display the results.
The comparison is a singele result display, just displayed on both you and your partner's screens at the same time. As such, only one fee is due, which the initiator of the comparison has to pay.
Despite being very long, the file name contains important information, such as which type of questionnaire was chosen, the name of your partner and the date on which the results were saved. These are all important pieces of information for your future reference, which can be simply read from the file name, prior to loading the results.
If you have no internet connection, you should save your inputs and then load them again at a later date when you are back online to display your results.
Also, if you want to use Mamigo Tokens to display your results yet do not have a sufficient number, you can save your inputs, earn more Tokens and then reload your inputs to then display the results.
It is not unusual for your intial reaction to the results to be negative. However this intial reaction represents your "Gut Feel". If you were to think in detail about your feelings and your wants and needs from the relationship, then the results will begin to make more sense.
The Mamigo App is available in 104 different languages, the majority of which have been auto-translated. To select one of these languages, select the Settings screen from the top bar (gear symbol) and select "Change language".
You can change the App colours from the Settings screen from the top bar (gear symbol) by selecting "Change Colours". There are four standard colours to choose from, or a custom "colour wheel", which you can use to select your own colour. The App automatically remembers the last three custom colours chosen.
You can change the App language at any time by selecting "Change language" from the Settings screen from the top bar (gear symbol). However if you change language whilst completing a questionnaire, all of your inputs will be lost and you will have to start from the beginning again. This is a requirement of DQE Technology.
This auto-pop-up feature is to help guide you through the questionnaire process by instructing you how to fill out the following screen. Once you have completed a questionnaire and have fully understood the process, you can turn off the auto-pop-us in the Settings screen on the top bar (gear symbol).
Having turned off the auto-pop-ups, the information is still available under the Information icon (i) on the top bar.
As we strive to make your experience as best as possible, your inputs are gratefully received. Please contact us using the contact button on this web-site stating which language needs improving and we will contact you back.
Mamigo Tokens give you an alternative way to pay and display your results. These can be earned by watching ads. The number of tokens earned per ad is determined by the ad itself. On average you will have to watch 7 ads to earn sufficient tokens to display your results.
Alternatively you can buy Mamigo Tokens in bundles - thereby saving you money.
The questions for the "Established Relationship" questionnaire have been chosen to cover the minimal requirements for relationship counselling and therefore would be an excellent starting point for couples embarking on such counselling.
If you want to use the Mamigo App in a professional capacity, please contact us using the contact form on this web-site and we can discuss your requirements further.
If you want to use the Mamigo-App in a professional capacity then we can set up a training to describe both DQE technology and how the results from the Mamigo App should be interpreted. Please use the contact form provided on this web-site to send an enquiry.
The Mamigo-App is an independent questionnaire and gives you full control over your assessment of your relationship. It is not intended to find a partner for you, but to measure the suitability of a partner to you.
The Mamigo App is also shorter with fewer questions and repeatable, meaning that if you were to complete the questionnaire a second time, you would get the same results.
The Dynamic Questionnaire Engine (DQE) was developed to deliver accurate results to human satisaction with as few questions as possible. The reason for this is due to the fact the longer a questionnaire is, the more your satisfaction is influenced by the number of questions you have to answer.
Yes. We will be introducing new Apps bsed on DQE Technology shortly. To keep up to date, please subscribe to our Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and/or Facebook accounts.
Please use the Contact page on this web-site.
DQE Technology is patented and crucial to the Mamigo App. More information can be found on the DQE Website